Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Jobweek 25/7/2009

Attention to all form 1,2,3

There will be a Jobweek activity carried out on this Saturday (25/7/2009).
Parent permission letters will be given on Thursday (24/7/2009).
Participants are required to fill up the parent permission letters and hand it in to
Lee Ching Hua before this Saturday.

Participants are required to reach school before 7.30a.m. on that Saturday.
Please inform your parents that the activity will end at 5.00p.m. in the school.
Inform your parents to come and fetch you at 5.00 p.m. 
For more information, please look for Lee Ching Hua (3A5): 017-2941281.
Announcement will also posted at the notice board.

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